the Linz district court Supervising agency as per ECG: Magistrate of the Linz regional capital D-U-N-S® Number: 300544843 Publication as per § 24 of media law
Wolfgang-Pauli-Straße 2c, building 3, 1st floor
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 615 119-0
E-Mail: office@dig.at
Company register: 217243a of the regional court Linz
UID No.: ATU53309209
Supervisory authority according to ECG: Magistrate of the provincial capital Linz
D-U-N-S® Number: 300544843
Disclosure pursuant to § 24 Media Act
Media owner and publisher:
Object of the company:
Data processing
Purpose and direction of website and newsletter (leaf line):
Information about DIG's business activities, products and developments and their customer benefits.
Bank details
Commerzbank AG
IBAN: AT85 1967 5001 0244 6200
Design and programming
ALL Gmbh
We treat your data confidentially - you can read details about our privacy policy here!
General Terms and Conditions (GTC), Status: September 2015
You can download the current GTCs below. You are also welcome to send us a request to office@dig.at.
The following terms of use apply to the use of these web pages:
Limited warranty for published content and information: We make every effort to publish the information published on our homepage (website) in an up-to-date and error-free manner. Nevertheless, information may be missing or incorrect. Please check the accuracy of all content by contacting us.
Limited liability for the use of hypertext links: All further sites of other providers linked to our websites are not checked by us. Therefore, any liability for their contents is excluded. For these sites of other providers, the terms of use of the respective provider apply. The use of these websites, even if links from our websites refer to these websites, is always at your own risk.
Provisions on the trademarks & logos used: All logos and trademarks used and shown on our website are registered as such. All third-party trademarks used are the property of the respective company.
Provisions regarding images and graphics used: All graphics, images and image elements used for the design of our website and newsletter are from www.fotolia.com/partner/201420808 and are subject to the copyright of the respective photographer.
Facebook: This imprint is also valid for our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/DIG.AT).