EDI Managed Services from DIG. Feels like this.
Channel 1: EDI for structured data exchange
EDI or electronic data interchange enables fully automated communication, perfect document flow and efficient data exchange between partners connected via EDI routes! And this in all variations of transmission paths and formats: Because DIG has built up leading EDI competence in over twenty years.
Smoothly functioning electronic data exchange without having to build up expensive, internal EDI personnel resources: That is Managed EDI from DIG. And it even works without own software and hardware. DIG clarifies the receiving and sending path between the EDI partners (routing) and analyzes in which structures information is sent and which file formats are used by the two EDI partners. DIG's EDI specialists also handle the connection of new customers and suppliers, the expansion to additional EDI documents and the maintenance and care of implemented interfaces. We benefit from our distinctive interface competence: As an EDI service provider from the very beginning, DIG has all the necessary tools to optimally connect customer and supplier systems for electronic data exchange. DIG's EDI professionals are also familiar with special protocols such as OFTP (Odette File Transfer Protocol, especially in the automotive sector) and X.400.
EDI: Data transmission in real time
EDI is a highly efficient data processing concept. It involves DIG's EDI experts setting up an interface for the digital exchange of data between business partners that allows different systems to transmit data directly by digital means. The electronic data transfer is thereby significantly simplified and reduced to a few steps.
Here we present the three essential technical factors that are important for an EDI connection for electronic data exchange - and show you how you can benefit from the following advantages with EDI Services from DIG. Data transmission in real time
- paperless (electronic) data exchange
- in real time
- in real time
- Faster delivery
- less error-proneness - fully automated data processing
- lower storage costs
- clearer stock levels
- Saving time and costs
EDI transmission protocols
As the above table shows, a wide variety of protocols exist for the transmission of messages via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). These regulate the exchange of data between computers or processes that are connected to each other. Such transmission protocols are e.g. X400, OFTP, SMTP, AS2 and countless others.
Fully Managed EDI: simple solution instead of complex details!
We will be happy to tell you more about the convenient electronic data interchange (EDI) in a personal consultation on our Fully Managed EDI Services.
EDI message formats and types
In addition to the protocol for transmission, the structure of the messages is important in electronic data interchange (EDI): Countless of these exist worldwide, some of which are industry-specific and some region-specific.
Some examples: SWIFT is used for EDI in the banking sector, EDIFACT is the responsibility of the Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations, ANSI is a standard mainly used in the USA, VDA is the standard of the German automotive industry, ODETTE that of the European and GALIA again the French automotive standard and many more.
These standards for electronic data interchange define message types such as delivery call-off, request for quotation, order, order confirmation, delivery bill or invoice and specify a certain structure for them so that the contents can be processed accordingly.
With profound EDI experience in the world's leading EDI formats as well as in numerous niches, DIG is a reliable partner for the implementation of your EDI solution.
We make sure you take off with EDI!
The right EDI solution for your ERP system
The third challenge is that many ERP systems have their own standards (e.g. SAPiDoc). In addition, not every ERP system supports every transmission path. Thus, the ERP system and the technical possibilities in the company determine which data can be received and how.
In combination with the points mentioned above there are about 400 different combinations, which DIG as EDI expert keeps an eye on for you!
Making EDI simple: Full service with expert know-how
As an EDI specialist and service provider, DIG has experience with all common protocols and message formats in all possible combinations, and takes over the complete setup of EDI connections. Customers only specify the desired target format and the input channel into their target system, all partner connections are created as a full service and continuously maintained by our EDI experts. This saves customers from having to set up an IT infrastructure and their own special department - and offers state-of-the-art document flow options to any growing number of business partners.
With our EDI services, we find the optimal channel for your requirements and ensure worry-free, secure operation!
As an alternative to classic EDI, DIG's web.EDI solution offers simple access for digital, automated data exchange with smaller suppliers or for irregular or only case-by-case business transactions.
Take the first step towards your EDI solution now!
Use your personal appointment for a comprehensive consultation for electronic data exchange of business documents.
What is EDI Managed Service?
As explained, EDI is associated with various challenges. These are completely outsourced via DIG's EDI Managed Service. This EDI service is divided into three components: Computing power (in the form of data center hardware, i.e. infrastructure), tools and environments for program or application creation (platform) and the respective applications in terms of automation processes (software).
IaaS: Infrastructure-as-a-Service
In this primary layer of the cloud, the hardware (e.g. servers, nodes, hypervisors) is made available. This is where the required computing resources are provided. DIG relies on certified data centers from A1 Telekom Austria, which guarantee maximum availability and reliability.
PaaS: Platform-as-a-Service
As an EDI provider, DIG provides the EDI platform in this secondary layer of the cloud. Here, the various development tools and environments are available to create and, if necessary, edit the required applications. The various IT systems communicate with each other via this platform (i.e. the ERP system of the customer company with those of the suppliers and business partners). DIG thus acts as a hub for smooth data traffic.
SaaS: Software-as-a-Service
This is the top layer of the cloud. This is where the individual steps of automated document processing take place (translation, clearing, preparing and controlling). More about these individual steps of the EDI workflow.
- Design and implementation of new interfaces
- Maintenance and adaptation of the existing interfaces
- Monitoring of the EDI platform
- Encrypted, highly secure communication between all partners
- Provision of self-services for monitoring and evaluation of the message flow
- Convenient connection of new partners